生活常识 学习资料




时间:2023-03-30 15:11:37 现在进行时的句子 我要投稿



I am eating now、我在吃饭。

She is speaking、她在说话。

She is cycling、她正骑自行车。

I am running now、我正在跑步。

I am watching TV、 我在看电视。

He is sleeping now、他正在睡觉。

She is driving now、她正在开车。

The bus is ing、公共汽车来了。

The dog is barking、 那只狗在叫。

Li Lei is running、 李雷正在跑步。

The bird is flying、 那只小鸟在飞。

What are they doing?他们在做什么?

The pigeon is flyng、 那只格子在飞。

1She is flying a kate、她正放风筝。

They are skating now、他们正在滑雪。

He is playing the piano、他正弹钢琴。

My brother is writing、我哥哥正在写作。

He is playing basketball、他正打篮球。

I am sitting bihind you、我正坐在你后面。

The children are singing、孩子们在唱歌。

He is playing basketball、 他正在打篮球。

My sister is swimming now、我妹妹正游泳。

A little girl is crying、 一个小女孩正在哭。

She is doing her homework、 她正在做家庭作业。

My mother is running to you、我妈妈正跑向你。

I am listening to the radio、我正在听收音机。

We are preparing our lesson、我们正在准备上课。

He is sitting in front of you、他正坐在你前面。

My father is planting flowers、我父亲正在种花。

I am answering your question、 我正在回答你的问题。

My brother is sitting among us、我哥哥正坐在你我中间。

They are playing basketball now、他们现在正在打篮球。

Are they reading an English book?他们在读英语书吗?

He is talking with his teacher、 他正在和他的老师谈话。

Our teachers are having a meeting、我们的老师正在开会。

She is playing puter game now、她现在正在玩电脑游戏。

Its 6:30 now、 I am getting up、现在是6:30,我要起床了。

Listen,She is singing an English song、听,她正在唱一首英文歌。

We are making model planes these days、这些天我们在做飞机模型。

He is reading a newspaper in the office、他正在办公室里看报纸。

Mary is flying kites with her sister、玛丽正在和她妹妹一起放风筝。

He is playing basketball on the playground、他正在操场上打篮球

The children are flying kites in the park、孩子们在公园里放风筝。

He is not playing basketball on the playground、他没有在操场上打篮球。

Look! Maria and Tom are dancing under the tree、看!玛丽亚和汤姆在树下跳舞。

Lindas brother is watching TV in his bedroom now、琳达的哥哥现在正在卧室里看电视。

Many children are swimming in the river、 Cant you see?许多孩子在河里游泳,你看不见吗?

These days we are helping the farmers work on the farm、这些天我们正在帮助农民在农场工作。

Were far from home、 What are our parents doing at the moment?我们离家很远,我们的父母现在在做什么?

Listen! Our English teacher is singing the popular English song、听!我们的英语老师正在唱流行的英语歌曲。


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