生活常识 学习资料




1、Hang in there、Things will get better.

冬至的温暖说说 推荐度: 相关推荐

3、Keep your chin up.

4、Don't be so miserable!


时间:2021-04-23 17:50:45 优美句子 我要投稿

6、Win a few, lose a few、That's life.

7、Don't let it get you down、It will be over with soon.

温暖的美文 推荐度:

9、别太操心了,没有你地球照样转。(carry the weight of the world on one's shoulders:自以为重任在肩。)

10、Keep trying! Don't give up the ship.

11、When god closes a door, he opens a window.

13、Every cloud has a silver lining.

冬日温暖的诗句 推荐度: 温暖励志的句子 推荐度:

16、Keep smiling! things will calm down.

17、Tomorrow is another day.


1、Cheer up! things will work out for the best.

2、Take heart- we'll find a way out.

3、Let's look on the bright side.

4、Stop carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders.

冬至的温暖诗句 推荐度:

7、Loosen up! It's not worth getting upset about.

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