"Get back to me" 或 "Get in touch with me" 是表示“你忙完了联系我”的常用英文表达。
这两种说法都是美式英语中常用的表达。其中 "get back to me" 来自于英式英语,意思是请对方在有空时回复我,而 "get in touch with me" 来自于美式英语,意思是请对方与我联系。
"Let me know when you're free and we'll schedule a time to talk. Get back to me." (请告诉我你什么时候有空,我们就安排时间聊天。请回复我。)
"I'll send you the details via email. Get in touch with me if you have any questions." (我会通过邮件给你发送细节。如果你有任何问题请与我联系。)