"Vivid and interesting" 生动而有趣 用英语表达。
"Vivid" 表示形象鲜明,生动,能够清晰地传达某种感觉或情感。
"Interesting" 表示有趣,引人入胜。
The lecture was vivid and interesting, I couldn't help but pay attention throughout. (这个演讲生动而有趣,我不得不全程关注。)
The description of the jungle was vivid and interesting, making me feel pke I was there. (对丛林的描述生动而有趣,让我感觉就像置身其中。)
The story was vivid and interesting, I couldn't put it down until I finished reading it. (故事生动而有趣,我读到最后都放不下。)