生活常识 学习资料







public class Curator_Session { static AtomicInteger n = new AtomicInteger(); static String lockPath = "/curator_recipe_lock_path"; static Curatorframework client = CuratorframeworkFactory.builder().connectString("") .retryPolicy(new ExponentialBackoffRetry(1000, 3)).build(); public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { client.start(); final InterProcessMutex lock = new InterProcessMutex(client, lockPath); for (int i = 0; i < 30; i++) { System.out.println("----------------"+n.addAndGet(1)+"------------------"); new Thread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { try { lock.acquire(); System.out.println("--------------"); } catch (Exception e) { } SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("HH:mm:ss|SSS"); String orderNo = sdf.format(new Date()); System.out.println("---------------生成的订单号:" + orderNo); try { lock.release(); } catch (Exception exception) { } } }).start(); } }}




     逻辑分析:首先通过acquire()获取锁,该方法会阻塞进程,直到获取锁,然后执行你的业务方法,最后通过 release()释放锁。







            public class InterProcessMutex implements InterProcessLock, Revocable



             public void acquire() throws Exception;


            public boolean acquire(long time, TimeUnit unit) throws Exception;


           public void release() throws Exception;


       boolean isAcquiredInThisProcess();



public void acquire() throws Exception{ if ( !internalLock(-1, null) ) { throw new IOException("Lost connection while trying to acquire lock: " + basePath); }}private boolean internalLock(long time, TimeUnit unit) throws Exception{ 获取当前线程 Thread currentThread = Thread.currentThread(); 取得当前线程在threadData中的lockData LockData lockData = threadData.get(currentThread); if ( lockData != null ) { // re-entering 如果存在该线程的锁数据,说明是锁重入, lockData.lockCount加1,直接返回true。获取锁成功 lockData.lockCount.incrementAndGet(); return true; } 如果不存在该线程的锁数据,则通过internals.attemptLock()获取锁,此时线程被阻塞,直至获得到锁 String lockPath = internals.attemptLock(time, unit, getLockNodeBytes()); if ( lockPath != null ) { 锁获取成功后,把锁的信息保存到threadData中。 LockData newLockData = new LockData(currentThread, lockPath); threadData.put(currentThread, newLockData); return true; } 如果没能获取到锁,则返回false。 return false;}


   在InterProcessMutex获取锁的代码分析中,可以看到它是通过internals.attemptLock(time, unit, getLockNodeBytes());来获取锁的,那么我们就以这个方法为入口。


String attemptLock(long time, TimeUnit unit, byte[] lockNodeBytes) throws Exception { final long startMillis = System.currentTimeMillis(); final Long millisToWait = (unit != null) ? unit.toMillis(time) : null; final byte[] localLockNodeBytes = (revocable.get() != null) ? new byte[0] : lockNodeBytes; int retryCount = 0; String ourPath = null; boolean hasTheLock = false; boolean isDone = false; while ( !isDone ) { isDone = true; try { 通过driver在zk上创建锁节点,获得锁节点路径。 ourPath = driver.createsTheLock(client, path, localLockNodeBytes); 通过internalLockLoop()方法阻塞进程,直到获取锁成功 hasTheLock = internalLockLoop(startMillis, millisToWait, ourPath); } catch ( KeeperException.NonodeException e ) { // gets thrown by StandardLockInternalsDriver when it can't find the lock node // this can happen when the session expires, etc、So, if the retry allows, just try it all again if ( client.getZookeeperClient().getRetryPolicy().allowRetry(retryCount++, System.currentTimeMillis() - startMillis, RetryLoop.getDefaultRetrySleeper()) ) { isDone = false; } else { throw e; } } } private boolean internalLockLoop(long startMillis, Long millisToWait, String ourPath) throws Exception { boolean haveTheLock = false; boolean doDelete = false; try { if ( revocable.get() != null ) { client.getData().usingWatcher(revocableWatcher).forPath(ourPath); } internalLockLoop中通过while自旋,判断锁如果没有被获取,将不断的去尝试获取锁。 while ( (client.getState() == CuratorframeworkState.STARTED) && !haveTheLock ) { List children = getSortedChildren(); String sequenceNodeName = ourPath.substring(basePath.length() + 1); // +1 to include the slash 通过driver查看当前锁节点序号是否排在第一位,如果排在第一位,说明取锁成功,跳出循环 PredicateResults predicateResults = driver.getsTheLock(client, children, sequenceNodeName, maxLeases); if ( predicateResults.getsTheLock() ) { haveTheLock = true; } else { 如果没有排在第一位,则监听自己的前序锁节点,然后阻塞线程。 当前序节点释放了锁,监听会被触发,恢复线程,此时主线程又回到while中第一步。 String previousSequencePath = basePath + "/" + predicateResults.getPathToWatch(); synchronized(this) { try { // use getData() instead of exists() to avoid leaving unneeded watchers which is a type of resource leak client.getData().usingWatcher(watcher).forPath(previousSequencePath); if ( millisToWait != null ) { millisToWait -= (System.currentTimeMillis() - startMillis); startMillis = System.currentTimeMillis(); if ( millisToWait <= 0 ) { doDelete = true; // timed out - delete our node break; } wait(millisToWait); } else { wait(); } } catch ( KeeperException.NonodeException e ) { // it has been deleted (i.e、lock released)、Try to acquire again } } } } } catch ( Exception e ) { ThreadUtils.checkInterrupted(e); doDelete = true; throw e; } finally { if ( doDelete ) { deleteOurPath(ourPath); } } return haveTheLock; } if ( hasTheLock ) { return ourPath; } return null; }

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