生活常识 学习资料


直接上代码 shell脚本

#!/usr/bin/env bash# 上传# /bin/bashworkhome=/opt/sqoop/one_makehdfs_schema_dir=/data/dw/ods/one_make/avscbiz_date=20210101biz_fmt_date=2021-01-01local_schema_backup_filename=schema_${biz_date}.tar.gzhdfs_schema_backup_filename=${hdfs_schema_dir}/avro_schema_${biz_date}.tar.gzlog_file=${workhome}/log/upload_avro_schema_${biz_fmt_date}.log# 打印日志,定义一个log函数log() { cur_time=`date "+%F %T"` echo "${cur_time} $*" >> ${log_file}}#刷新环境变量,然后切换到workhomesource /etc/profilecd ${workhome}# hadoop fs [generic options] [-test -[defsz] ]# -test -[defsz] :# Answer various questions about , with result via exit status.# -d return 0 if is a directory.# -e return 0 if exists.# -f return 0 if is a file.# -s return 0 if file is greater than zero bytes in size.# -z return 0 if file is zero bytes in size, else return 1.#调用函数log "Check if the HDFS Avro schema directory ${hdfs_schema_dir}..."# 判断一个hdfs文件目录是否存在,不存在返回 非0,c存在返回 0hdfs dfs -test -e ${hdfs_schema_dir} > /dev/null# 目录不存在,则创建if [ $? != 0 ]; then log "Path: ${hdfs_schema_dir} is not exists、Create a new one." log "hdfs dfs -mkdir -p ${hdfs_schema_dir}" hdfs dfs -mkdir -p ${hdfs_schema_dir}filog "Check if the file ${hdfs_schema_dir}/CISS4_CISS_base_AREAS.avsc has uploaded to the HFDS..."# 判断一个CISS4_CISS_base_AREAS.avsc.avsc是否存在,不存在返回 非0,c存在返回 0hdfs dfs -test -e ${hdfs_schema_dir}/CISS4_CISS_base_AREAS.avsc > /dev/null# 目录不存在,则上传if [ $? != 0 ]; then log "Upload all the .avsc schema file." log "hdfs dfs -put ${workhome}/java_code/*.avsc ${hdfs_schema_dir}" hdfs dfs -put ${workhome}/java_code/*.avsc ${hdfs_schema_dir}fi# 压缩log "Check if the backup tar.gz file has generated in the local server..." # ! -e 不存在,则对../java_code/*.avsc做压缩if [ ! -e ${local_schema_backup_filename} ]; then log "package and compress the schema files" log "tar -czf ${local_schema_backup_filename} ./java_code/*.avsc" tar -czf ${local_schema_backup_filename} ./java_code/*.avscfi#上传log "Check if the backup tar.gz file has upload to the HDFS..."hdfs dfs -test -e ${hdfs_schema_backup_filename} > /dev/nullif [ $? != 0 ]; then log "upload the schema package file to HDFS" log "hdfs dfs -put ${local_schema_backup_filename} ${hdfs_schema_backup_filename}" hdfs dfs -put ${local_schema_backup_filename} ${hdfs_schema_backup_filename}fi


Python 脚本

#!/usr/bin/env python# @Time : 2021/7/20 15:46# @desc :__coding__ = "utf-8"__author__ = "itcast"# import pyhdfsimport loggingimport osworkhome = '/opt/sqoop/one_make'hdfs_schema_dir = '/data/dw/ods/one_make/avsc'biz_date = '20210101'biz_fmt_date = '2021-01-01'local_schema_backup_filename = 'schema_%s.tar.gz' % biz_datehdfs_schema_backup_filename = '%s/avro_schema_%s.tar.gz' % (hdfs_schema_dir, biz_date)log_file = '%s/log/upload_avro_schema_%s.log' % (workhome, biz_fmt_date)# append log to filelogging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, filename=log_file, filemode='a', format='%(asctime)s - %(pathname)s[line:%(lineno)d] - %(levelname)s: %(message)s')os.system('source /etc/profile')os.system('cd %s' % workhome)# hadoop fs [generic options] [-test -[defsz] ]# -test -[defsz] :# Answer various questions about , with result via exit status.# -d return 0 if is a directory.# -e return 0 if exists.# -f return 0 if is a file.# -s return 0 if file is greater than zero bytes in size.# -z return 0 if file is zero bytes in size, else return 1.logging.info('Check if the HDFS Avro schema directory %s...', hdfs_schema_dir)# hdfs = pyhdfs.HdfsClient(hosts="node1,9000", user_name="hdfs")# print(hdfs.listdir('/'))# hdfs dfs -test -e ${hdfs_schema_dir} > /dev/nullcommStatus = os.system('hdfs dfs -test -e %s > /dev/null' % hdfs_schema_dir)if commStatus is not 0: logging.info('Path: %s is not exists、Create a new one.', hdfs_schema_dir) logging.info('hdfs dfs -mkdir -p %s', hdfs_schema_dir) os.system('hdfs dfs -mkdir -p %s' % hdfs_schema_dir)logging.info('Check if the file %s/CISS4_CISS_base_AREAS.avsc has uploaded to the HFDS...', hdfs_schema_dir)commStatus = os.system('hdfs dfs -test -e %s/CISS4_CISS_base_AREAS.avsc > /dev/null' % hdfs_schema_dir)if commStatus is not 0: logging.info('Upload all the .avsc schema file.') logging.info('hdfs dfs -put %s/java_code/*.avsc %s', workhome, hdfs_schema_dir) os.system('hdfs dfs -put %s/java_code/*.avsc %s' % (workhome, hdfs_schema_dir))# backuplogging.info('Check if the backup tar.gz file has generated in the local server...')commStatus = os.system('[ -e %s ]' % local_schema_backup_filename)if commStatus is not 0: logging.info('package and compress the schema files') logging.info('tar -czf %s ./java_code/*.avsc', local_schema_backup_filename) os.system('tar -czf %s ./java_code/*.avsc' % local_schema_backup_filename)logging.info('Check if the backup tar.gz file has upload to the HDFS...')commStatus = os.system('hdfs dfs -test -e %s > /dev/null' % hdfs_schema_backup_filename)if commStatus is not 0: logging.info('upload the schema package file to HDFS') logging.info('hdfs dfs -put %s %s', local_schema_backup_filename, hdfs_schema_backup_filename) os.system('hdfs dfs -put %s %s' %(local_schema_backup_filename, hdfs_schema_backup_filename))

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