生活常识 学习资料




今天来升级下之前写的坦克大战游戏嘛,哈哈哈 其实也不算是修改,就是稍微的调试一下!​​

因为之前写的界面都是英文的 ,有的小伙伴儿英文一点儿都不会的可能看着别扭,今天来一款中






很多小朋友以学习的名义买了以后偷偷打的打游戏还被家长发现了有 没得!



正文​ 1)游戏规则:








pip install +模块名 或pip install -i https://pypi.douban.com/simple/ +模块名



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import pygamefrom pygame.locals import *import sysimport sceneimport bulletimport foodimport tanksimport home# 开始界面显示def show_start_interface(screen, width, height): tfont = pygame.font.Font('./font/simkai.ttf', width // 4) cfont = pygame.font.Font('./font/simkai.ttf', width // 20) title = tfont.render(u'坦克大战', True, (255, 0, 0)) content1 = cfont.render(u'按1键进入单人游戏', True, (0, 244, 222)) content2 = cfont.render(u'按2键进入双人人游戏', True, (0, 0, 255)) #显示字体pygame.font.Font.render(text文本, antialias是否抗锯齿, color颜色, background=None) trect = title.get_rect() # 默认title左上角的坐标是 (0, 0) trect.midtop = (width / 2, height / 5) crect1 = content1.get_rect() crect1.midtop = (width / 2, height / 1.8) crect2 = content2.get_rect() crect2.midtop = (width / 2, height / 1.6) screen.blit(title, trect) screen.blit(content1, crect1) screen.blit(content2, crect2) # 在指定位置绘制指定文字对象 pygame.display.update() # 更新界面 while True: for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == QUIT: sys.exit() elif event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: if event.key == pygame.K_1: return 1 if event.key == pygame.K_2: return 2# 结束界面显示def show_end_interface(screen, width, height, is_win): bg_img = pygame.image.load("./images/others/background.png") screen.blit(bg_img, (0, 0)) if is_win: font = pygame.font.Font('./font/simkai.ttf', width // 10) content = font.render(u'恭喜通关!', True, (255, 0, 0)) rect = content.get_rect() rect.midtop = (width / 2, height / 2) screen.blit(content, rect) else: fail_img = pygame.image.load("./images/others/gameover.png") rect = fail_img.get_rect() rect.midtop = (width / 2, height / 2) screen.blit(fail_img, rect) pygame.display.update() while True: for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == QUIT: sys.exit()# 关卡切换def show_switch_stage(screen, width, height, stage): bg_img = pygame.image.load("./images/others/background.png") screen.blit(bg_img, (0, 0)) font = pygame.font.Font('./font/simkai.ttf', width // 10) content = font.render(u'第%d关' % stage, True, (0, 255, 0)) rect = content.get_rect() rect.midtop = (width / 2, height / 2) screen.blit(content, rect) pygame.display.update() delay_event = pygame.constants.USEREVENT pygame.time.set_timer(delay_event, 1000) #定时器延时 while True: for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == QUIT: sys.exit() if event.type == delay_event: returndef main(): pygame.init() pygame.mixer.init() screen = pygame.display.set_mode((630, 630)) pygame.display.set_caption('坦克大战') bg_img = pygame.image.load('./images/others/background.png') # 加载音效 add_sound = pygame.mixer.Sound("./audios/add.wav") add_sound.set_volume(1) bang_sound = pygame.mixer.Sound("./audios/bang.wav") bang_sound.set_volume(1) blast_sound = pygame.mixer.Sound("./audios/blast.wav") blast_sound.set_volume(1) fire_sound = pygame.mixer.Sound("./audios/fire.wav") fire_sound.set_volume(1) Gunfire_sound = pygame.mixer.Sound("./audios/Gunfire.wav") Gunfire_sound.set_volume(1) hit_sound = pygame.mixer.Sound("./audios/hit.wav") hit_sound.set_volume(1) start_sound = pygame.mixer.Sound("./audios/start.wav") start_sound.set_volume(1) # 开始界面 num_player = show_start_interface(screen, 630, 630) # 播放游戏开始的音乐 start_sound.play() # 关卡 stage = 0 num_stage = 2 # 游戏是否结束 is_gameover = False # 时钟 clock = pygame.time.Clock() # 主循环 while not is_gameover: # 关卡 stage += 1 if stage > num_stage: break show_switch_stage(screen, 630, 630, stage) # 该关卡坦克总数量 enemytanks_total = min(stage * 18, 80) # 场上存在的敌方坦克总数量 enemytanks_now = 0 # 场上可以存在的敌方坦克总数量 enemytanks_now_max = min(max(stage * 2, 4), 8) # 精灵组,独立运行的动画组 tanksGroup = pygame.sprite.Group() mytanksGroup = pygame.sprite.Group() enemytanksGroup = pygame.sprite.Group() bulletsGroup = pygame.sprite.Group() mybulletsGroup = pygame.sprite.Group() enemybulletsGroup = pygame.sprite.Group() myfoodsGroup = pygame.sprite.Group() # 自定义事件 # -生成敌方坦克事件 genEnemyEvent = pygame.constants.USEREVENT pygame.time.set_timer(genEnemyEvent, 100) # -敌方坦克静止恢复事件 recoverEnemyEvent = pygame.constants.USEREVENT pygame.time.set_timer(recoverEnemyEvent, 8000) # -我方坦克无敌恢复事件 noprotectMytankEvent = pygame.constants.USEREVENT pygame.time.set_timer(noprotectMytankEvent, 8000) # 关卡地图 map_stage = scene.Map(stage) # 我方坦克 tank_player1 = tanks.myTank(1) tanksGroup.add(tank_player1) mytanksGroup.add(tank_player1) if num_player > 1: tank_player2 = tanks.myTank(2) tanksGroup.add(tank_player2) mytanksGroup.add(tank_player2) is_switch_tank = True player1_moving = False player2_moving = False # 为了轮胎的动画效果 time = 0 # 敌方坦克 for i in range(0, 3): if enemytanks_total > 0: enemytank = tanks.enemyTank(i) tanksGroup.add(enemytank) enemytanksGroup.add(enemytank) enemytanks_now += 1 enemytanks_total -= 1 # 大本营 myhome = home.Home() # 出场特效 appearance_img = pygame.image.load("./images/others/appear.png").convert_alpha() appearances = [] appearances.append(appearance_img.subsurface((0, 0), (48, 48))) appearances.append(appearance_img.subsurface((48, 0), (48, 48))) appearances.append(appearance_img.subsurface((96, 0), (48, 48))) # 关卡主循环 while True: if is_gameover is True: break if enemytanks_total < 1 and enemytanks_now < 1: is_gameover = False break for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: pygame.quit() sys.exit() if event.type == genEnemyEvent: if enemytanks_total > 0: if enemytanks_now < enemytanks_now_max: enemytank = tanks.enemyTank() if not pygame.sprite.spritecollide(enemytank, tanksGroup, False, None): tanksGroup.add(enemytank) enemytanksGroup.add(enemytank) enemytanks_now += 1 enemytanks_total -= 1 if event.type == recoverEnemyEvent: for each in enemytanksGroup: each.can_move = True if event.type == noprotectMytankEvent: for each in mytanksGroup: mytanksGroup.protected = False # 检查用户键盘操作 key_pressed = pygame.key.get_pressed() # 玩家一 # WSAD -> 上下左右 # 空格键射击 if key_pressed[pygame.K_w]: tanksGroup.remove(tank_player1) tank_player1.move_up(tanksGroup, map_stage.brickGroup, map_stage.ironGroup, myhome) tanksGroup.add(tank_player1) player1_moving = True elif key_pressed[pygame.K_s]: tanksGroup.remove(tank_player1) tank_player1.move_down(tanksGroup, map_stage.brickGroup, map_stage.ironGroup, myhome) tanksGroup.add(tank_player1) player1_moving = True elif key_pressed[pygame.K_a]: tanksGroup.remove(tank_player1) tank_player1.move_left(tanksGroup, map_stage.brickGroup, map_stage.ironGroup, myhome) tanksGroup.add(tank_player1) player1_moving = True elif key_pressed[pygame.K_d]: tanksGroup.remove(tank_player1) tank_player1.move_right(tanksGroup, map_stage.brickGroup, map_stage.ironGroup, myhome) tanksGroup.add(tank_player1) player1_moving = True elif key_pressed[pygame.K_SPACE]: if not tank_player1.bullet.being: fire_sound.play() tank_player1.shoot() # 玩家二 # ↑↓←→ -> 上下左右 # 小键盘0键射击 if num_player > 1: if key_pressed[pygame.K_UP]: tanksGroup.remove(tank_player2) tank_player2.move_up(tanksGroup, map_stage.brickGroup, map_stage.ironGroup, myhome) tanksGroup.add(tank_player2) player2_moving = True elif key_pressed[pygame.K_DOWN]: tanksGroup.remove(tank_player2) tank_player2.move_down(tanksGroup, map_stage.brickGroup, map_stage.ironGroup, myhome) tanksGroup.add(tank_player2) player2_moving = True elif key_pressed[pygame.K_LEFT]: tanksGroup.remove(tank_player2) tank_player2.move_left(tanksGroup, map_stage.brickGroup, map_stage.ironGroup, myhome) tanksGroup.add(tank_player2) player2_moving = True elif key_pressed[pygame.K_RIGHT]: tanksGroup.remove(tank_player2) tank_player2.move_right(tanksGroup, map_stage.brickGroup, map_stage.ironGroup, myhome) tanksGroup.add(tank_player2) player2_moving = True elif key_pressed[pygame.K_KP0]: if not tank_player2.bullet.being: fire_sound.play() tank_player2.shoot() # 背景 screen.blit(bg_img, (0, 0)) # 石头墙 for each in map_stage.brickGroup: screen.blit(each.brick, each.rect) # 钢墙 for each in map_stage.ironGroup: screen.blit(each.iron, each.rect) # 冰 for each in map_stage.iceGroup: screen.blit(each.ice, each.rect) # 河流 for each in map_stage.riverGroup: screen.blit(each.river, each.rect) # 树 for each in map_stage.treeGroup: screen.blit(each.tree, each.rect) time += 1 if time == 5: time = 0 is_switch_tank = not is_switch_tank # 我方坦克 if tank_player1 in mytanksGroup: if is_switch_tank and player1_moving: screen.blit(tank_player1.tank_0, (tank_player1.rect.left, tank_player1.rect.top)) player1_moving = False else: screen.blit(tank_player1.tank_1, (tank_player1.rect.left, tank_player1.rect.top)) if tank_player1.protected: screen.blit(tank_player1.protected_mask1, (tank_player1.rect.left, tank_player1.rect.top)) if num_player > 1: if tank_player2 in mytanksGroup: if is_switch_tank and player2_moving: screen.blit(tank_player2.tank_0, (tank_player2.rect.left, tank_player2.rect.top)) player1_moving = False else: screen.blit(tank_player2.tank_1, (tank_player2.rect.left, tank_player2.rect.top)) if tank_player2.protected: screen.blit(tank_player1.protected_mask1, (tank_player2.rect.left, tank_player2.rect.top)) # 敌方坦克 for each in enemytanksGroup: # 出生特效 if each.born: if each.times > 0: each.times -= 1 if each.times <= 10: screen.blit(appearances[2], (3 + each.x * 12 * 24, 3)) elif each.times <= 20: screen.blit(appearances[1], (3 + each.x * 12 * 24, 3)) elif each.times <= 30: screen.blit(appearances[0], (3 + each.x * 12 * 24, 3)) elif each.times <= 40: screen.blit(appearances[2], (3 + each.x * 12 * 24, 3)) elif each.times <= 50: screen.blit(appearances[1], (3 + each.x * 12 * 24, 3)) elif each.times <= 60: screen.blit(appearances[0], (3 + each.x * 12 * 24, 3)) elif each.times <= 70: screen.blit(appearances[2], (3 + each.x * 12 * 24, 3)) elif each.times <= 80: screen.blit(appearances[1], (3 + each.x * 12 * 24, 3)) elif each.times <= 90: screen.blit(appearances[0], (3 + each.x * 12 * 24, 3)) else: each.born = False else: if is_switch_tank: screen.blit(each.tank_0, (each.rect.left, each.rect.top)) else: screen.blit(each.tank_1, (each.rect.left, each.rect.top)) if each.can_move: tanksGroup.remove(each) each.move(tanksGroup, map_stage.brickGroup, map_stage.ironGroup, myhome) tanksGroup.add(each) # 我方子弹 for tank_player in mytanksGroup: if tank_player.bullet.being: tank_player.bullet.move() screen.blit(tank_player.bullet.bullet, tank_player.bullet.rect) # 子弹碰撞敌方子弹 for each in enemybulletsGroup: if each.being: if pygame.sprite.collide_rect(tank_player.bullet, each): tank_player.bullet.being = False each.being = False enemybulletsGroup.remove(each) break else: enemybulletsGroup.remove(each) # 子弹碰撞敌方坦克 for each in enemytanksGroup: if each.being: if pygame.sprite.collide_rect(tank_player.bullet, each): if each.is_red == True: myfood = food.Food() myfood.generate() myfoodsGroup.add(myfood) each.is_red = False each.blood -= 1 each.color -= 1 if each.blood < 0: bang_sound.play() each.being = False enemytanksGroup.remove(each) enemytanks_now -= 1 tanksGroup.remove(each) else: each.reload() tank_player.bullet.being = False break else: enemytanksGroup.remove(each) tanksGroup.remove(each) # 子弹碰撞石头墙 if pygame.sprite.spritecollide(tank_player.bullet, map_stage.brickGroup, True, None): tank_player.bullet.being = False # 子弹碰钢墙 if tank_player.bullet.stronger: if pygame.sprite.spritecollide(tank_player.bullet, map_stage.ironGroup, True, None): tank_player.bullet.being = False else: if pygame.sprite.spritecollide(tank_player.bullet, map_stage.ironGroup, False, None): tank_player.bullet.being = False # 子弹碰大本营 if pygame.sprite.collide_rect(tank_player.bullet, myhome): tank_player.bullet.being = False myhome.set_dead() is_gameover = True # 敌方子弹 for each in enemytanksGroup: if each.being: if each.can_move and not each.bullet.being: enemybulletsGroup.remove(each.bullet) each.shoot() enemybulletsGroup.add(each.bullet) if not each.born: if each.bullet.being: each.bullet.move() screen.blit(each.bullet.bullet, each.bullet.rect) # 子弹碰撞我方坦克 for tank_player in mytanksGroup: if pygame.sprite.collide_rect(each.bullet, tank_player): if not tank_player.protected: bang_sound.play() tank_player.life -= 1 if tank_player.life < 0: mytanksGroup.remove(tank_player) tanksGroup.remove(tank_player) if len(mytanksGroup) < 1: is_gameover = True else: tank_player.reset() each.bullet.being = False enemybulletsGroup.remove(each.bullet) break # 子弹碰撞石头墙 if pygame.sprite.spritecollide(each.bullet, map_stage.brickGroup, True, None): each.bullet.being = False enemybulletsGroup.remove(each.bullet) # 子弹碰钢墙 if each.bullet.stronger: if pygame.sprite.spritecollide(each.bullet, map_stage.ironGroup, True, None): each.bullet.being = False else: if pygame.sprite.spritecollide(each.bullet, map_stage.ironGroup, False, None): each.bullet.being = False # 子弹碰大本营 if pygame.sprite.collide_rect(each.bullet, myhome): each.bullet.being = False myhome.set_dead() is_gameover = True else: enemytanksGroup.remove(each) tanksGroup.remove(each) # 家 screen.blit(myhome.home, myhome.rect) # 食物 for myfood in myfoodsGroup: if myfood.being and myfood.time > 0: screen.blit(myfood.food, myfood.rect) myfood.time -= 1 for tank_player in mytanksGroup: if pygame.sprite.collide_rect(tank_player, myfood): # 消灭当前所有敌人 if myfood.kind == 0: for _ in enemytanksGroup: bang_sound.play() enemytanksGroup = pygame.sprite.Group() enemytanks_total -= enemytanks_now enemytanks_now = 0 # 敌人静止 if myfood.kind == 1: for each in enemytanksGroup: each.can_move = False # 子弹增强 if myfood.kind == 2: add_sound.play() tank_player.bullet.stronger = True # 使得大本营的墙变为钢板 if myfood.kind == 3: map_stage.protect_home() # 坦克获得一段时间的保护罩 if myfood.kind == 4: add_sound.play() for tank_player in mytanksGroup: tank_player.protected = True # 坦克升级 if myfood.kind == 5: add_sound.play() tank_player.up_level() # 坦克生命+1 if myfood.kind == 6: add_sound.play() tank_player.life += 1 myfood.being = False myfoodsGroup.remove(myfood) break else: myfood.being = False myfoodsGroup.remove(myfood) pygame.display.flip() clock.tick(60) if not is_gameover: show_end_interface(screen, 630, 630, True) else: show_end_interface(screen, 630, 630, False)if __name__ == '__main__': main()

4)效果展示 视频展示效果——










完整的素材、安装环境、源码等看文末即可啦! 往期推荐阅读——

目1.0  超级玛丽


项目1.2  红心纸牌大战游戏


项目1.1   扫雷


项目1.3   大富翁小游戏



项目1.0 Python—2021 |已有文章汇总 | 持续更新,直接看这篇就够了


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