生活常识 学习资料



import randomimport matplotlib.pyplot as pltimport numpy as npfrom sklearn.datasets import load_irisclass Supper_Vector_Machine: def __init__(self, dataset, target, C, toler, Iter_max): self.dataset = dataset self.target = target self.N, self.M = len(self.dataset), len(dataset[0]) self.C = C self.toler = toler self.b = 0 self.Alpha = np.zeros(self.N) '''最多遍历iter次,若都符合KKT条件,则说明基本符合alpha基本都符合''' self.iter_max = Iter_max self.w = np.zeros(self.M) def Fx(self, i): fxi = 0 for k in range(self.N): fxi += self.Alpha[k] * self.target[k] * np.matmul(self.dataset[i], self.dataset[k].T) fxi += self.b return fxi def Kernel(self, i, j): result = np.matmul(self.dataset[i], self.dataset[j].T) return result def random_j(self, i): while True: j = random.choice(range(self.N)) if j != i: return j def get_L_H(self, i, j): L, H = 0, 0 if self.target[i] != self.target[j]: L = max([0, self.Alpha[j] - self.Alpha[i]]) H = min([self.C, self.C + self.Alpha[j] - self.Alpha[i]]) else: L = max([0, self.Alpha[j] + self.Alpha[i] - self.C]) H = min([self.C, self.Alpha[i] + self.Alpha[j]]) return L, H def filter(self, L, H, alpha_j): if alpha_j < L: alpha_j = L if alpha_j > H: alpha_j = H return alpha_j def SMO(self): iter = 0 while iter < self.iter_max: change_num = 0 for i in range(self.N): Fx_i = self.Fx(i) Ex_i = Fx_i - self.target[i] '''确定是否符合KKT条件,不符合就进行更新''' if self.target[i] * Ex_i < -self.toler and self.Alpha[i] < self.C or self.target[ i] * Ex_i > self.toler and self.Alpha[i] > 0: j = self.random_j(i) print('i:{},j:{}'.format(i, j)) Fx_j = self.Fx(j) Ex_j = Fx_j - self.target[j] alpha_i = self.Alpha[i] alpha_j = self.Alpha[j] L, H = self.get_L_H(i, j) if L == H: print('L == H') continue eta = self.Kernel(i, i) + self.Kernel(j, j) - 2 * self.Kernel(i, j) if eta <= 0: print('eta <= 0') continue ''''更新a_j''' self.Alpha[j] += self.target[j] * (Ex_i - Ex_j) / eta self.Alpha[j] = self.filter(L, H, self.Alpha[j]) if abs(self.Alpha[j] - alpha_j) < 0.00001: print('alpha够精确了') continue '''更新alpha[i]''' self.Alpha[i] += self.target[i] * self.target[j] * (alpha_j - self.Alpha[j]) '''更新b''' b1 = self.b - Ex_i - self.target[i] * self.Kernel(i, i) * (self.Alpha[i] - alpha_i) - self.target[ j] * self.Kernel(i, j) * (self.Alpha[j] - alpha_j) b2 = self.b - Ex_j - self.target[i] * self.Kernel(i, j) * (self.Alpha[i] - alpha_i) - self.target[ j] * self.Kernel(j, j) * (self.Alpha[j] - alpha_j) if 0 < self.Alpha[i] < self.C: self.b = b1 elif 0 < self.Alpha[j] < self.C: self.b = b2 else: self.b = (b1 + b2) / 2.0 print(self.Alpha[i], self.Alpha[j]) change_num += 1 if change_num == 0: iter += 1 else: iter = 0 for i in range(self.N): self.w += self.target[i] * self.Alpha[i] * self.dataset[i] def display(self): svm_point = [] for i in range(100): if self.Alpha[i] > 0: print('第{}个是支持向量'.format(i), self.dataset[i], self.target[i]) svm_point.append(i) x_point = np.array([i[0] for i in dataset]) y_point = np.array([i[1] for i in dataset]) x = np.linspace(4, 6, 5) y = -(self.w[0] * x + self.b) / self.w[1] plt.scatter(x_point[:50], y_point[:50], color='red') plt.scatter(x_point[-50:], y_point[-50:], color='blue') support_vector = np.array([dataset[i] for i in svm_point]) plt.scatter(support_vector[:, 0], support_vector[:, 1], color='black') plt.plot(x, y) plt.show()if __name__ == '__main__': dataset, target = load_iris()['data'][:100, :2], load_iris()['target'][:100] target = np.array([1 if i == 1 else -1 for i in target]) model = Supper_Vector_Machine(dataset, target, 100, 0.01, 40) model.SMO() print(model.w) print(model.b) model.display()




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