生活常识 学习资料



1、使用 ConnectionFactory 创建 IConnection 时,如果有多线程的情况下,比如会有多个Consumer,需要加锁,同时确保 Connection 对象唯一,可以使用单例模式。

public bool _isConnected => _connection is { IsOpen: true };

在 RabbitMQ 持久化时,可以用到 Polly 第三方库中的 Policy 做连接失败重试。

if (_isConnected) return;lock(obj){ var policy = Policy.Handle().Or ().WaitAndRetry(5, times => TimeSpan.FromSeconds(Math.Pow(2, times)), (exception, span) => { Console.WriteLine( $"rabbitmq client cannot connected、after {span.TotalSeconds:n1}、ex:{exception.Message}"); }); policy.Execute(() => { var factory = new ConnectionFactory() { HostName = "xxxxx", Port = 1000, UserName = "xxxxx", Password = "xxxxx" }; _connection = factory.CreateConnection(); Console.WriteLine("connected to rabbitmq..."); }); if (_connection.IsOpen) { _connection.ConnectionShutdown += OnConnectionShutdown; _connection.CallbackException += OnCallBackException; _connection.ConnectionBlocked += OnConnectionBlocked; } else { Console.WriteLine(" fatal error : rabbitmq connection could not be created or opened "); }}

 2、发布消息的时候 记得加 using 及时释放 channel

using var model = _connection.CreateModel();

3、消费者不能使用 using,否则在没有消息的时候会被释放掉。

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