public static Class<?> forName(String className) throws ClassNotFoundException { Class<?> caller = Reflection.getCallerClass(); // caller : class field.ClassForNameDemo return forName0(className, true, ClassLoader.getClassLoader(caller), caller); }
forName0private static native Class<?> forName0(String name, boolean initialize, ClassLoader loader, Class<?> caller) throws ClassNotFoundException;
Class.cJNIEXPORT jclass JNICALLJava_java_lang_Class_forName0(JNIEnv *env, jclass this, jstring classname, jboolean initialize, jobject loader, jclass caller){ char *clname; jclass cls = 0; char buf[128]; jsize len; jsize unicode_len; if (classname == NULL) { JNU_ThrowNullPointerException(env, 0); return 0; } len = (*env)->GetStringUTFLength(env, classname); unicode_len = (*env)->GetStringLength(env, classname); if (len >= (jsize)sizeof(buf)) { clname = malloc(len + 1); if (clname == NULL) { JNU_ThrowOutOfMemoryError(env, NULL); return NULL; } } else { clname = buf; } (*env)->GetStringUTFRegion(env, classname, 0, unicode_len, clname); if (VerifyFixClassname(clname) == JNI_TRUE) { (*env)->GetStringUTFRegion(env, classname, 0, unicode_len, clname); JNU_ThrowClassNotFoundException(env, clname); goto done; } if (!VerifyClassname(clname, JNI_TRUE)) { JNU_ThrowClassNotFoundException(env, clname); goto done; } cls = JVM_FindClassFromCaller(env, clname, initialize, loader, caller); // jvm.cpp:896 done: if (clname != buf) { free(clname); } return cls;}
JVM_FindClassFromCaller// Find a class with this name in this loader, using the caller's protection domain.JVM_ENTRY(jclass, JVM_FindClassFromCaller(JNIEnv* env, const char* name, jboolean init, jobject loader, jclass caller)) JVMWrapper2("JVM_FindClassFromCaller %s throws ClassNotFoundException", name); // Java libraries should ensure that name is never null... if (name == NULL || (int)strlen(name) > Symbol::max_length()) { // It's impossible to create this class; the name cannot fit // into the constant pool. THROW_MSG_0(vmSymbols::java_lang_ClassNotFoundException(), name); // java_lang_ClassNotFoundException } TempNewSymbol h_name = SymbolTable::new_symbol(name, CHECK_NULL); oop loader_oop = JNIHandles::resolve(loader); // oop result = (handle == NULL ? (oop)NULL : *(oop*)handle); oop from_class = JNIHandles::resolve(caller); oop protection_domain = NULL; // If loader is null, shouldn't call ClassLoader.checkPackageAccess; otherwise get // NPE、Put it in another way, the bootstrap class loader has all permission and // thus no checkPackageAccess equivalence in the VM class loader. // The caller is also passed as NULL by the java code if there is no security // manager to avoid the performance cost of getting the calling class. if (from_class != NULL && loader_oop != NULL) { protection_domain = java_lang_Class::as_Klass(from_class)->protection_domain(); } Handle h_loader(THREAD, loader_oop); Handle h_prot(THREAD, protection_domain); jclass result = find_class_from_class_loader(env, h_name, init, h_loader, h_prot, false, THREAD); // 4094 if (TraceClassResolution && result != NULL) { trace_class_resolution(java_lang_Class::as_Klass(JNIHandles::resolve_non_null(result))); } return result;JVM_END
find_class_from_class_loaderjclass find_class_from_class_loader(JNIEnv* env, Symbol* name, jboolean init, Handle loader, Handle protection_domain, jboolean throwError, TRAPS) { // Security Note: // The Java level wrapper will perform the necessary security check allowing // us to pass the NULL as the initiating class loader、 The VM is responsible for // the checkPackageAccess relative to the initiating class loader via the // protection_domain、The protection_domain is passed as NULL by the java code // if there is no security manager in 3-arg Class.forName(). Klass* klass = SystemDictionary::resolve_or_fail(name, loader, protection_domain, throwError != 0, CHECK_NULL); // todo create instanceClass KlassHandle klass_handle(THREAD, klass); // Check if we should initialize the class if (init && klass_handle->oop_is_instance()) { klass_handle->initialize(CHECK_NULL); // 调用下面方法 } // instanceMirrorClass return (jclass) JNIHandles::make_local(env, klass_handle->java_mirror());}
InstanceKlass::initialize(TRAPS)void InstanceKlass::initialize(TRAPS) { if (this->should_be_initialized()) { initialize_impl(CHECK); // Note: at this point the class may be initialized // OR it may be in the state of being initialized // in case of recursive initialization! } else { assert(is_initialized(), "sanity check"); }}
InstanceKlass::initialize_implvoid InstanceKlass::initialize_impl(TRAPS) { HandleMark hm(THREAD); // Make sure klass is linked (verified) before initialization // A class could already be verified, since it has been reflected upon. link_class(CHECK); // link_class_impl(CHECK); DTRACE_CLASSINIT_PROBE(required, -1); bool wait = false; // refer to the JVM book page 47 for description of steps // Step 1 { Handle h_init_lock(THREAD, init_lock()); ObjectLocker ol(h_init_lock, THREAD, h_init_lock() != NULL); Thread *self = THREAD; // it's passed the current thread // Step 2 // If we were to use wait() instead of waitInterruptibly() then // we might end up throwing IE from link/symbol resolution sites // that aren't expected to throw、 This would wreak havoc、 See 6320309. while(is_being_initialized() && !is_reentrant_initialization(self)) { wait = true; ol.waitUninterruptibly(CHECK); } // Step 3 if (is_being_initialized() && is_reentrant_initialization(self)) { DTRACE_CLASSINIT_PROBE_WAIT(recursive, -1, wait); return; } // Step 4 if (is_initialized()) { DTRACE_CLASSINIT_PROBE_WAIT(concurrent, -1, wait); return; } // Step 5 if (is_in_error_state()) { DTRACE_CLASSINIT_PROBE_WAIT(erroneous, -1, wait); ResourceMark rm(THREAD); const char* desc = "Could not initialize class "; const char* className = external_name(); size_t msglen = strlen(desc) + strlen(className) + 1; char* message = NEW_RESOURCE_ARRAY(char, msglen); if (NULL == message) { // Out of memory: can't create detailed error message THROW_MSG(vmSymbols::java_lang_NoClassDefFoundError(), className); } else { jio_snprintf(message, msglen, "%s%s", desc, className); THROW_MSG(vmSymbols::java_lang_NoClassDefFoundError(), message); } } // Step 6 set_init_state(being_initialized); set_init_thread(self); } // Step 7 // Next, if C is a class rather than an interface, initialize it's super class and super // interfaces. if (!is_interface()) { Klass* super_klass = super(); if (super_klass != NULL && super_klass->should_be_initialized()) { super_klass->initialize(THREAD); } // If C implements any interface that declares a non-static, concrete method, // the initialization of C triggers initialization of its super interfaces. // only need to recurse if has_nonstatic_concrete_methods which includes declaring and // having a superinterface that declares, non-static, concrete methods if (!HAS_PENDING_EXCEPTION && has_nonstatic_concrete_methods()) { initialize_super_interfaces(THREAD); } // If any exceptions, complete abruptly, throwing the same exception as above. if (HAS_PENDING_EXCEPTION) { Handle e(THREAD, PENDING_EXCEPTION); CLEAR_PENDING_EXCEPTION; { EXCEPTION_MARK; // Locks object, set state, and notify all waiting threads set_initialization_state_and_notify(initialization_error, THREAD); CLEAR_PENDING_EXCEPTION; } DTRACE_CLASSINIT_PROBE_WAIT(super__failed, -1, wait); THROW_OOP(e()); } } // Look for aot compiled methods for this klass, including class initializer. AOTLoader::load_for_klass(this, THREAD); // Step 8 { assert(THREAD->is_Java_thread(), "non-JavaThread in initialize_impl"); JavaThread* jt = (JavaThread*)THREAD; DTRACE_CLASSINIT_PROBE_WAIT(clinit, -1, wait); // Timer includes any side effects of class initialization (resolution, // etc), but not recursive entry into call_class_initializer(). PerfClassTraceTime timer(ClassLoader::perf_class_init_time(), ClassLoader::perf_class_init_selftime(), ClassLoader::perf_classes_inited(), jt->get_thread_stat()->perf_recursion_counts_addr(), jt->get_thread_stat()->perf_timers_addr(), PerfClassTraceTime::CLASS_CLINIT); call_class_initializer(THREAD); } // Step 9 if (!HAS_PENDING_EXCEPTION) { set_initialization_state_and_notify(fully_initialized, CHECK); { debug_only(vtable().verify(tty, true);) } } else { // Step 10 and 11 Handle e(THREAD, PENDING_EXCEPTION); CLEAR_PENDING_EXCEPTION; // JVMTI has already reported the pending exception // JVMTI internal flag reset is needed in order to report ExceptionInInitializerError JvmtiExport::clear_detected_exception((JavaThread*)THREAD); { EXCEPTION_MARK; set_initialization_state_and_notify(initialization_error, THREAD); CLEAR_PENDING_EXCEPTION; // ignore any exception thrown, class initialization error is thrown below // JVMTI has already reported the pending exception // JVMTI internal flag reset is needed in order to report ExceptionInInitializerError JvmtiExport::clear_detected_exception((JavaThread*)THREAD); } DTRACE_CLASSINIT_PROBE_WAIT(error, -1, wait); if (e->is_a(SystemDictionary::Error_klass())) { THROW_OOP(e()); } else { JavaCallArguments args(e); THROW_ARG(vmSymbols::java_lang_ExceptionInInitializerError(), vmSymbols::throwable_void_signature(), &args); } } DTRACE_CLASSINIT_PROBE_WAIT(end, -1, wait);}
InstanceKlass::link_classvoid InstanceKlass::link_class(TRAPS) { assert(is_loaded(), "must be loaded"); if (!is_linked()) { link_class_impl(CHECK); }}