生活常识 学习资料



1、查看系统指令集架构并获取 MinIO 下载 URL2、MinIO 安装与启动
MinIO 安装记录 1、查看系统指令集架构并获取 MinIO 下载 URL


获取 MinIO 下载 URL

由于为 x86_64 架构,因此 MinIO 下载对应的 URL 为:https://dl.min.io/server/minio/release/linux-amd64/minio在 shell 输入 wget 命令下载 MinIO:

wget https://dl.min.io/server/minio/release/linux-amd64/minio



minio version RELEASE.2022-02-01T18-00-14Z

2、MinIO 安装与启动

创建并移动 minio 文件到安装目录:/usr/local/minio

添加可执行权限:chmod +x minio

查看 MINIO 帮助:./minio --help

查看 MINIO 版本:

配置 MINIO 的 用户名 & 密码

# export MINIO_ROOT_USER=adminexport MINIO_ROOT_PASSWORD=password# 旧版本# export MINIO_ACCESS_KEY=admin# export MINIO_SECRET_KEY=password

MINIO server 命令帮助文档:

NAME: minio server - start object storage serverUSAGE: minio server [FLAGS] DIR1 [DIR2..] minio server [FLAGS] DIR{1...64} minio server [FLAGS] DIR{1...64} DIR{65...128}DIR: DIR points to a directory on a filesystem、When you want to combine multiple drives into a single large system, pass one directory per filesystem separated by space、You may also use a '...' convention to abbreviate the directory arguments、Remote directories in a distributed setup are encoded as HTTP(s) URIs.# DIR 指向文件系统的一个目录。当你想要组合多个 Drive 到某个独立的大型的系统时,每个文件系统传递一个由空格分隔的目录即可。FLAGS: --address value bind to a specific ADDRESS:PORT, ADDRESS can be an IP or hostname (default: ":9000") [$MINIO_ADDRESS] --listeners value bind N number of listeners per ADDRESS:PORT (default: 1) [$MINIO_LISTENERS] --console-address value bind to a specific ADDRESS:PORT for embedded Console UI, ADDRESS can be an IP or hostname [$MINIO_CONSOLE_ADDRESS] --certs-dir value, -S value path to certs directory (default: "/root/.minio/certs") --quiet disable startup information --anonymous hide sensitive information from logging --json output server logs and startup information in json format --help, -h show help EXAMPLES: 1、Start minio server on "/home/shared" directory. $ minio server /home/shared 2、Start single node server with 64 local drives "/mnt/data1" to "/mnt/data64". $ minio server /mnt/data{1...64} 3、Start distributed minio server on an 32 node setup with 32 drives each, run following command on all the nodes $ export MINIO_ROOT_USER=minio $ export MINIO_ROOT_PASSWORD=miniostorage $ minio server http://node{1...32}.example.com/mnt/export{1...32} 4、Start distributed minio server in an expanded setup, run the following command on all the nodes $ export MINIO_ROOT_USER=minio $ export MINIO_ROOT_PASSWORD=miniostorage $ minio server http://node{1...16}.example.com/mnt/export{1...32} http://node{17...64}.example.com/mnt/export{1...64}

启动 MINIO 单节点服务器:./minio server ./data编写 shell 脚本启动 MINIO 单节点服务器

#!/bin/bashconsole_address_port=2001address_port=2002if [ -n "$1" ]then console_address_port=$1 if [ -n "$2" ] then address_port=$2 fifimessage=$(date "+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")echo ${message} >> info.log/usr/local/minio/minio server --console-address ":${console_address_port}" --address=":${address_port}" /usr/local/minio/data >> /usr/local/minio/info.log 2> error.log &echo "PID OF MINIO SERVER: $!"

附-查询端口占用情况:netstat -tunlp | grep port
-t TCP
-u UDP
-n 拒绝显示别名
-p 显示程序名


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