2、gson转换失败 onclick之前adapter初始化列表中进行转换loop报错
Gradle ‘publishToMavenLocal’ task not found、Please add the ‘maven-publish’ or ‘maven’ plugin.
4、jitPack错误-> id ‘kotlin-android-extensions’ 改为buildFeatures {viewBinding true }The ‘kotlin-android-extensions’ Gradle plugin is deprecated.
5、jitPack错误-> ERROR: No build artifacts found;Expected artifacts in: $HOME/.m2/repository/XX/YY/unspecified尝试implementation "org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-stdlib:1.5.20"后gradle下android花括号内添加
afterevaluate { publishing { def versionName = "1.0" publications { // Creates a Maven publication called "release". release(MavenPublication) { // Applies the component for the release build variant. from components.release // You can then customize attributes of the publication as shown below. groupId = 'com.XX.XX' artifactId = 'library' version = versionName } } } }