生活常识 学习资料

















# 更多疑问,欢迎私信交流。thujiang000# 导入OpenCVimport cv2# 导入mediapipeimport mediapipe as mpimport timeimport mathimport numpy as npfrom utils import Utilsclass HandProcess: def __init__(self,static_image_mode=False,max_num_hands=2): # 参数 self.mp_drawing = mp.solutions.drawing_utils# 初始化medialpipe的画图函数 self.mp_drawing_styles = mp.solutions.drawing_styles self.mp_hands = mp.solutions.hands# 初始化手掌检测对象 # 调用mediapipe的Hands函数,输入手指关节检测的置信度和上一帧跟踪的置信度,输入最多检测手的数目,进行关节点检测 self.hands = self.mp_hands.Hands(static_image_mode=static_image_mode, min_detection_confidence=0.7, min_tracking_confidence=0.5, max_num_hands=max_num_hands) #初始化一个列表来存储 self.landmark_list = [] # 定义所有的手势动作对应的鼠标操作 self.action_labels = { 'none': '无', 'move': '鼠标移动', 'click_single_active': '触发单击', 'click_single_ready': '单击准备', 'click_right_active': '触发右击', 'click_right_ready': '右击准备', 'scroll_up': '向上滑页', 'scroll_down': '向下滑页', 'drag': '鼠标拖拽' } self.action_deteted = '' # 检查左右手在数组中的index def checkHandsIndex(self,handedness): # 判断数量 if len(handedness) == 1: handedness_list = [handedness[0].classification[0].label] else: handedness_list = [handedness[0].classification[0].label,handedness[1].classification[0].label] return handedness_list # 计算两点点的距离 def getDistance(self,pointA,pointB): # math.hypot为勾股定理计算两点长度的函数,得到食指和拇指的距离 return math.hypot((pointA[0]-pointB[0]),(pointA[1]-pointB[1])) # 获取手指在图像中的坐标 def getFingerXY(self,index): return (self.landmark_list[index][1],self.landmark_list[index][2]) # 将手势识别的结果绘制到图像上 def drawInfo(self,img,action): thumbXY,indexXY,middleXY = map(self.getFingerXY,[4,8,12]) if action == 'move': img = cv2.circle(img,indexXY,20,(255,0,255),-1) elif action == 'click_single_active': middle_point = int(( indexXY[0]+ thumbXY[0])/2),int(( indexXY[1]+ thumbXY[1] )/2) img = cv2.circle(img,middle_point,30,(0,255,0),-1) elif action == 'click_single_ready': img = cv2.circle(img,indexXY,20,(255,0,255),-1) img = cv2.circle(img,thumbXY,20,(255,0,255),-1) img = cv2.line(img,indexXY,thumbXY,(255,0,255),2) elif action == 'click_right_active': middle_point = int(( indexXY[0]+ middleXY[0])/2),int(( indexXY[1]+ middleXY[1] )/2) img = cv2.circle(img,middle_point,30,(0,255,0),-1) elif action == 'click_right_ready': img = cv2.circle(img,indexXY,20,(255,0,255),-1) img = cv2.circle(img,middleXY,20,(255,0,255),-1) img = cv2.line(img,indexXY,middleXY,(255,0,255),2) return img # 返回手掌各种动作 def checkHandAction(self,img,drawKeyFinger=True): upList = self.checkFingersUp() action = 'none' if len(upList) == 0: return img,action,None # 侦测距离 dete_dist = 100 # 中指 key_point = self.getFingerXY(8) # 移动模式:单个食指在上,鼠标跟随食指指尖移动,需要smooth处理防抖 if (upList == [0,1,0,0,0]): action = 'move' # 单击:食指与拇指出现暂停移动,如果两指捏合,触发单击 if (upList == [1,1,0,0,0]): l1 = self.getDistance(self.getFingerXY(4),self.getFingerXY(8)) action = 'click_single_active' if l1 < dete_dist else 'click_single_ready' # 右击:食指、中指出现暂停移动,如果两指捏合,触发右击 if (upList == [0,1,1,0,0]): l1 = self.getDistance(self.getFingerXY(8),self.getFingerXY(12)) action = 'click_right_active' if l1 < dete_dist else 'click_right_ready' # 向上滑:五指向上 if (upList == [1,1,1,1,1]): action = 'scroll_up' # 向下滑:除拇指外四指向上 if (upList == [0,1,1,1,1]): action = 'scroll_down' # 拖拽:拇指、食指外的三指向上 if (upList == [0,0,1,1,1]): # 换成中指 key_point = self.getFingerXY(12) action = 'drag' # 根据动作绘制相关点 img = self.drawInfo(img,action) if drawKeyFinger else img self.action_deteted = self.action_labels[action] return img,action,key_point # 返回向上手指的数组 def checkFingersUp(self): fingerTipIndexs = [4,8,12,16,20] upList = [] if len(self.landmark_list) == 0: return upList # 拇指,比较x坐标 if self.landmark_list[fingerTipIndexs[0]][1] < self.landmark_list[fingerTipIndexs[0]-1][1]: upList.append(1) else: upList.append(0) # 其他指头,比较Y坐标 for i in range(1,5): if self.landmark_list[fingerTipIndexs[i]][2] < self.landmark_list[fingerTipIndexs[i]-2][2]: upList.append(1) else: upList.append(0) return upList # 分析手指的位置,得到手势动作 def processoneHand(self,img,drawBox=True,drawLandmarks=True): utils = Utils() results = self.hands.process(img) self.landmark_list = [] if results.multi_hand_landmarks: for hand_index,hand_landmarks in enumerate(results.multi_hand_landmarks): if drawLandmarks: self.mp_drawing.draw_landmarks( img, hand_landmarks, self.mp_hands.HAND_CONNECTIONS, self.mp_drawing_styles.get_default_hand_landmarks_style(), self.mp_drawing_styles.get_default_hand_connections_style()) # 遍历landmark for landmark_id, finger_axis in enumerate(hand_landmarks.landmark): h,w,c = img.shape p_x,p_y = math.ceil(finger_axis.x * w), math.ceil(finger_axis.y * h) self.landmark_list.append([ landmark_id, p_x, p_y, finger_axis.z ]) # 框框和label if drawBox: x_min,x_max = min(self.landmark_list,key=lambda i : i[1])[1], max(self.landmark_list,key=lambda i : i[1])[1] y_min,y_max = min(self.landmark_list,key=lambda i : i[2])[2], max(self.landmark_list,key=lambda i : i[2])[2] img = cv2.rectangle(img,(x_min-30,y_min-30),(x_max+30,y_max+30),(0, 255, 0),2) img = utils.cv2AddChineseText(img, self.action_deteted, (x_min-20,y_min-120), textColor=(255, 0, 255), textSize=60) return img


# 更多疑问,欢迎私信交流。thujiang000# 导入OpenCV,用于图像处理,图像显示import cv2# 导入mediapipe,手势识别import handProcess# 导入其他依赖包import timeimport numpy as np# 鼠标控制包import pyautoguifrom utils import Utilsimport autopy# 识别控制类class VirtualMouse: def __init__(self): # image实例,以便另一个类调用 self.image=None # 主函数 def recognize(self): # 调用手势识别类 handprocess = handProcess.HandProcess(False,1) # 初始化基础工具:绘制图像,绘制文本等 utils = Utils() # 计时,用于帧率计算 fpsTime = time.time() # 初始化OpenCV对象,为了获取usb摄像头的图像 cap = cv2.VideoCapture(0) # 视频分辨率 resize_w = 960 resize_h = 720 # 控制边距 frameMargin = 100 # 利用pyautogui库获取屏幕尺寸 screenWidth, screenHeight = pyautogui.size() # 柔和处理参数,使鼠标运动平滑 stepX, stepY = 0, 0 finalX, finalY = 0, 0 smoothening = 7 # 事件触发需要的时间,初始化为0 action_trigger_time = { 'single_click':0, 'double_click':0, 'right_click':0 } # 用此变量记录鼠标是否处于按下状态 mouseDown = False while cap.isOpened():#只要相机持续打开,则不间断循环 action_zh = '' # 获取视频的一帧图像,返回值两个。第一个为判断视频是否成功获取。第二个为获取的图像,若未成功获取,返回none success, self.image = cap.read() # 修改图片大小 self.image = cv2.resize(self.image, (resize_w, resize_h)) # 视频获取为空的话,进行下一次循环,重新捕捉画面 if not success: print("空帧") continue # 将图片格式设置为只读状态,可以提高图片格式转化的速度 self.image.flags.writeable = False # 将BGR格式存储的图片转为RGB self.image = cv2.cvtColor(self.image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) # 镜像,需要根据镜头位置来调整 self.image = cv2.flip(self.image, 1) # 使用mediapipe,将图像输入手指检测模型,得到结果 self.image = handprocess.processoneHand(self.image) # 将手框出来 cv2.rectangle(self.image, (frameMargin, frameMargin), (resize_w - frameMargin, resize_h - frameMargin),(255, 0, 255), 2) # 调用手势识别文件获取手势动作 self.image,action,key_point = handprocess.checkHandAction(self.image,drawKeyFinger=True) # 通过手势识别得到手势动作,将其画在图像上显示 action_zh = handprocess.action_labels[action] if key_point: # np.interp为插值函数,简而言之,看key_point[0]的值在(frameMargin, resize_w - frameMargin)中所占比例, # 然后去(0, screenWidth)中线性寻找相应的值,作为返回值 # 利用插值函数,输入手势食指的位置,找到其在框中的百分比,等比例映射到 x3 = np.interp(key_point[0], (frameMargin, resize_w - frameMargin), (0, screenWidth)) y3 = np.interp(key_point[1], (frameMargin, resize_h - frameMargin), (0, screenHeight)) # 柔和处理,通过限制步长,让鼠标移动平滑 finalX = stepX + (x3 - stepX) / smoothening finalY = stepY + (y3 - stepY) / smoothening # 计时停止,用于计算帧率 now = time.time() # 判断鼠标为点击状态 if action_zh == '鼠标拖拽': # 如果鼠标上一个状态不是点击,则判断为按下鼠标 if not mouseDown: pyautogui.mouseDown(button='left') mouseDown = True autopy.mouse.move(finalX, finalY) else: # 如果鼠标上一个状态是点击,则判断为放开鼠标左键 if mouseDown: pyautogui.mouseUp(button='left') mouseDown = False # 根据识别得到的鼠标手势,控制鼠标做出相应的动作 if action_zh == '鼠标移动': autopy.mouse.move(finalX, finalY) elif action_zh == '单击准备': pass elif action_zh == '触发单击' and (now - action_trigger_time['single_click'] > 0.3): pyautogui.click() action_trigger_time['single_click'] = now elif action_zh == '右击准备': pass elif action_zh == '触发右击' and (now - action_trigger_time['right_click'] > 2): pyautogui.click(button='right') action_trigger_time['right_click'] = now elif action_zh == '向上滑页': pyautogui.scroll(30) elif action_zh == '向下滑页': pyautogui.scroll(-30) stepX, stepY = finalX, finalY self.image.flags.writeable = True self.image = cv2.cvtColor(self.image, cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR) # 显示刷新率FPS cTime = time.time() fps_text = 1/(cTime-fpsTime) fpsTime = cTime self.image = utils.cv2AddChineseText(self.image, "帧率: " + str(int(fps_text)), (10, 30), textColor=(255, 0, 255), textSize=50) # 显示画面 self.image = cv2.resize(self.image, (resize_w//2, resize_h//2)) cv2.imshow('virtual mouse', self.image) # 等待5毫秒,判断按键是否为Esc,判断窗口是否正常,来控制程序退出 if cv2.waitKey(5) & 0xFF == 27: break cap.release()# 开始程序control = VirtualMouse()control.recognize()


# 更多疑问,欢迎私信交流。thujiang000# 导入PIL,用于图像处理from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont# 导入OpenCV,用于图像处理import cv2import numpy as npclass Utils: def __init__(self): pass # 添加中文 def cv2AddChineseText(self,img, text, position, textColor=(0, 255, 0), textSize=30): if (isinstance(img, np.ndarray)): # 判断是否OpenCV图片类型 img = Image.fromarray(cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)) # 创建一个可以在给定图像上绘图的对象 draw = ImageDraw.Draw(img) # 字体的格式 fontStyle = ImageFont.truetype( "./fonts/simsun.ttc", textSize, encoding="utf-8") # 绘制文本 draw.text(position, text, textColor, font=fontStyle) # 转换回OpenCV格式 return cv2.cvtColor(np.asarray(img), cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR)

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