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import PySimpleGUI as sgdef jiancha1():#定义检查函数,并且向window1输出富文本内容 #window1['-MLINE1-'].update(out) window1['-MLINE1-'].print("检查完成第一步",text_color='red',background_color='yellow',end="")#输出富文本内容,并且不会自动换行,富文本作用范围在结束符之后 window1['-MLINE1-'].print("n检查完成第二步",text_color='red',background_color='white',font=('宋体', 20,'bold overstrike'),end="")#字体作用在结束符后面,不会自动换行 #window1['-MLINE1-'].update(out) #sg.Print("检查完成第三步",text_color='red')#调试窗口弹出 #详细的字体设置 ''' FontSpecifies the font family, size, and style、Font families on Windows include: * Arial * Courier * Comic, * Fixedsys * Times * Verdana * Helvetica (the default I think)The fonts will vary from system to system, however, Tk 8.0 automatically maps Courier, Helvetica and Times to their corresponding native family names on all platforms、Also, font families cannot cause a font specification to fail on Tk 8.0 and greater.If you wish to leave the font family set to the default, you can put anything not a font name as the family、The PySimpleGUI Demo programs and documentation use the family 'Any' to demonstrate this fact.、You could use "default" if that's more clear to you.There are 2 formats that can be used to specify a font..、a string, and a tuple Tuple - (family, size, styles) String - "Family Size Styles"To specify an underlined, Helvetica font with a size of 15 the values: ('Helvetica', 15, 'underline italics') 'Helvetica 15 underline italics'Font Style - Valid font styles include:italicromanboldnormalunderlineoverstrike''' sg.theme('Dark Blue 3') # 设置窗口主题的颜色主题#设置各个控件的布局layout = [[sg.Text('Your typed chars appear here:'), sg.Text(size=(12,1), key='-OUTPUT-')],#文本显示框,索引key为-OUTPUT-,大小为12*1 [sg.Input(key='-IN-')], #文本输入框,索引key为-IN- [sg.Text("结果输出:")],#文本输入框 [sg.Multiline(size=(120,24), key='-MLINE1-',font=('宋体', 12))],#多行输入输出框,索引key为-MLINE1-,大小为120*24,并且设置默认字体 [sg.Text("处理进度:")], [sg.Multiline(size=(120,8), key='-MLINE2-',font=('宋体', 12))],#多行输入输出框,索引key为-MLINE1-,大小为120*24,并且设置默认字体 [sg.Push(),sg.Button('开始检查',font=('宋体', 12)), sg.Button('退出',font=('宋体', 12)),sg.Push()]]#将两个按钮居中,其中sg.Push()表示空白控件占位window1 = sg.Window('检查助手', layout)#创建窗口while True: # Event Loop event, values = window1.read() print(event, values) if event == sg.WIN_CLOSED or event == '退出': break if event == '开始检查':#当点击开始检查按钮时,调用jiancha1函数,并且开启新的窗口 # change the "output" element to be the value of "input" element window1['-MLINE1-'].update(values['-IN-']) jiancha1()#调用第一个检查函数 #创建一个新的窗口,用于输入或者展示其他内容 sg.theme('Dark Grey 13') layout2 = [[sg.Text('Filename')], [sg.Input(), sg.FileBrowse()], [sg.OK(), sg.Cancel()]] window2 = sg.Window('Get filename example', layout2) event, values = window2.read() window2.close() #新窗口创建结束 window1.close()


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